Mutual Air Response to Alvensleben Fire Dept. (Foresta sim)

We were called for help tonight by the Alvensleben Volunteer Fire Department. Upon arrival (with tanker 792-1) we found a fully involved house fire. We established a solid water supply anf fed Alvensleben's engine then assisted with the interior attack. We were on scene for two and a half hours battling the blaze. The house was a total loss.  -ARA Asst. Chief Cale Solo

Water supply established; we dropped the 4000 gallon "portable pond" and relay pumped from a hydrant in town square
The interior was fully involved including most of the furniture by the time we started to help with the interior attack
Alvensleben V.F.D. Station 2 Engine 384 provides the main attack
Antilaghi Fire Tanker 792-1 pumping it's ass off....
Using the deck gun to cool the roof
Almost got it....
